Mossy Oak Camo Patterns

Mossy Oak Obsession
The Official Camo of the National Wild Turkey Federation, Mossy Oak Obsession was developed to provide turkey hunters with both concealment for the hunt and support for the resource. After nearly 20 years, Obsession is still the most proven pattern to ever hit the spring woods. It features an enhanced background of mottled tree bark inspired by the original Mossy Oak Bottomland pattern, true-to-nature elements of limbs, pine and oak foliage, and lifelike color tones to match the turkey woods in spring and early fall. • Type: Photorealistic• Species: Turkey, Deer, Bigfoot
• Region: Wooded/Forest, Bush
• Products With This Camo

Mossy Oak Original Bottomland
With Bottomland's natural bark elements, this pattern is ideal for hunting ducks in flooded timber, turkey hunting in the hardwoods, or deer hunting from a treestand. Original Bottomland is the pattern that launched Mossy Oak more than 35 years ago. Driven by the desire to get closer to turkeys in his camocontent state of Mississippi, Toxey Haas turned a handful of bark, sticks and leaves into an extremely lifelike hunting pattern unlike anything the world had seen. Featuring a legendary outline-breaking ability that helps hunters blend into dark hardwoods, flooded timber and treestand environments, this classic pattern remains every bit as effective three decades later. • Type: Abstract Vintage• Species: Deer, Turkey, Waterfowl
• Region: Wooded/Forest, Wetlands
• Products With This Camo

Mossy Oak New Bottomland
The same field-proven components and colors, dirt and bark elements, ability to blend into dark environments and obscure a hunter's outline from every angle as the Original Bottomland, only enhanced with digital technology for more subtlety and realism to blend you into your surroundings. • Type: Digitally Enhanced Abstract• Species: Turkey, Waterfowl, Sasquatch
• Region: Wooded/Forest, Wetlands
• Products With This Camo

Mossy Oak Greenleaf
The same field-proven components and colors, dirt and bark elements as Original Bottomland but with additional green leaves for late Spring and early Fall hunting seasons. • Type: Abstract• Species: Turkey, Deer, Waterfowl
• Region: Wooded/Forest, Marsh
• Products With This Camo

Mossy Oak Shadow Grass Blades
Ducks Unlimited Official Waterfowl Camouflage Pattern - features a precise arrangement of individual blades of grass onto a background of thatch consisting of lesser or dead grass, to create the perfect pure grass pattern.With over 30 years in pattern development, we concluded that the most versatile and effective waterfowl pattern was one composed entirely of grass. After photographing a variety of grass blades along water edges and flooded fields, we saw that each BLADE was unique, and was most often accompanied by a thatch background of dead or pressed-down lesser grass.
Using these two elements, we set out to create the perfect pure grass pattern by arranging each blade of grass in natural positions with shadows falling across each other on a thatch background. The thatch background, with its small grass moving from light to dark spots, creates the perfect depth and distance from the larger blades to give Shadow Grass Blades a realistic 3D appearance and superior ability to break up a hunter’s outline. Each blade of grass was selected for its unique coloration and position to duplicate the grass edges found all over the country. • Type: Photorealistic
• Species: Waterfowl
• Region: Wetlands, Grassland, Cornfields
• Products With This Camo

Mossy Oak Duckblind
Duck Blind is designed for duck and goose hunters in all flyways from the west coast to the east coast. Duck Blind is designed to be effective in bottomland, marshes, potholes, riverbanks, reeds, tules, corn fields, wheat stubble, rice fields and just about anywhere a waterfowl hunter would want to be hidden from the birds' view.According to Mossy Oak, “Duck Blind features elements from every sector of the nation's main waterfowl highway. Whether you're hunting in standing reeds or on a bare, harvested hillside, Duck Blind is the most effective camouflage for waterfowlers in any region.” • Type: Photorealistic
• Species: Waterfowl
• Region: Wetlands, Grassland
• Products With This Camo

Mossy Oak Break-Up
The classic, original break-up pattern has leaves, limbs, and branches with a bark background, and deep ghost shadow for further 3D illusion, the natural contrast found in the woods comes to life in this #1 selling camo patterns of all time. • Type: Photorealistic• Species: Deer, Elk, Predator
• Region: Wooded/Forest
• Products With This Camo

Mossy Oak Break-Up Infinity
Similar to Mossy Oak Break-Up, it has leaves, limbs, and branches with a bark background, and deep ghost shadow for further 3D illusion, the natural contrast found in the woods comes to life in this extraordinary pattern. • Type: Photorealistic• Species: Deer, Elk, Predator
• Region: Wooded/Forest
• Products With This Camo

Mossy Oak Break-Up Country
Features a variety of elements found throughout North America. The elements provide the perfect amount of depth and shadowing. Using dramatically larger limbs, leaves, bark, branches and other digitally enhanced natural elements, Mossy Oak Break-Up Country annihilates your outline and fuses you with the terrain like no pattern that has come before it – at any distance, anywhere across the country. Break-Up Country is the OFFICIAL CAMO of the QDMA. • Type: Photorealistic• Species: Deer, Elk, Predator
• Region: Wooded/Forest
• Products With This Camo

Mossy Oak Mountain Country
Features 100% true-to-nature, three-dimensional elements of natural Rocky Mountain alpines, conifers, sagebrush and rock. Whether you’re hunting big game in the high-country timber or the open plains, Mountain Country is the best form of concealment to break up your outline and ensure you blend in with the terrain of the natural Western environment. Utilizing gray and green tones from alpine trees and conifer evergreens, it features 100% true-to-nature elements inspired solely by the mountains you hunt, and not the digital world you’re out there to escape. • Type: Photorealistic• Species: Deer, Elk, Predator
• Region: Mountainous, Alpine
• Products With This Camo

Mossy Oak Eclipse (Black)
Mossy Oak Eclipse is the first ever pattern design created specifically for hunting from inside a ground blind. Eclipse features a dark-as-possible black overlay version of our popular Break-Up Country pattern with cutout portions exposing the pattern, erasing the human outline inside a blind. Where lighter camo options stand out inside a ground blind, Eclipse disappears. • Type: Photorealistic• Species: Waterfowl, Predator
• Position: Blind
• Products With This Camo

Mossy Oak Treestand
“Designed specifically for the hardcore whitetail hunters who hunt from an elevated position, Treestand offers whitetail hunters the ideal camouflage solution for altering their silhouette among the bare limbs of a tree in late fall. Treestand is built to defeat the deer’s eye view of looking up through the limbs of bare trees. Mossy Oak's Treestand pattern is the ultimate camo for over 12 million hunters that hit the woods each year in pursuit of whitetails.” - Mack’s Prairie Wing Website • Type: Photorealistic• Species: Deer, Elk, Boar
• Region: Wooded/Forest
• Products With This Camo

REALTREE® Camo Patterns

THE FIRST CAMO THAT DISRUPTS THE HUMAN FORM AND NATURALLY CONCEALS. Hunting comes with a lot of challenges. Being confident you're concealed shouldn’t be one of them. Introducing new Realtree EDGE™, the first camo pattern that allows you to blend into your hunting environment at close range, with natural elements arranged in a way to disrupt the human form at a distance • Type: Photorealistic• Species: Turkey, Deer, Yeti
• Region: Wooded/Forest, Multi-Regional
• Products With This Camo

WORKS JUST ABOUT EVERYWHERE A HUNTER NEEDS TO HIDE. Realtree AP camo is neutral, open, contrasty, and realistic. Everything a hunting camo needs to be versatile and effective. • Type: Photorealistic• Species: Turkey, Deer, Predator
• Region: Multi-Regional
• Products With This Camo

The Xtra in Realtree Xtra stands for extra effectiveness in the field. This camo pattern blends perfectly year round in a variety of habitats. It blends best from the leaf change of fall through winter, then again in early spring before green-out. Using proprietary printing technology, we layer sharp foreground elements over a progressively ghosted midground and very soft background. The versatile new camo design includes tree trunks, large and small limbs, leaves of many types and colors, and large open areas. • Type: Photorealistic• Species: Turkey, Deer
• Region: Wooded/Forest, Bush
• Products With This Camo

Named for its extra effectiveness, Realtree Xtra Green camo is the best early-season pattern on the market. Use it from early fall bowhunting, muzzle loading and gun seasons until the leaves change, and then again from mid to late spring. It’s also perfect any time the season or situation calls for green camo. Proprietary printing technology creates 3 distinct layers of pattern. The pattern combines leaves, colors, open areas, and extreme contrast in a multidirectional design that blends with nearly any green habitat. Realtree Xtra Green camo provides ultimate versatility. • Type: Photorealistic• Species: Turkey, Deer, Bear
• Region: Wooded/Forest, Bush
• Products With This Camo

Realtree MAX-1® camo lets hunters in broad terrain melt into their surroundings. MAX-1 camo combines the perfect balance of neutral earth tones, prairie grasses, brush, rock, sage and open zones—with just a hint of shadow detail for added depth and realism. Use the versatile Realtree MAX-1 camo pattern as your go-to for hunting sage-covered hillsides, mesquite flats, croplands and wide-open prairies. Also choose it for deserts and rocky terrain. Realtree MAX-1 ® is the one to wear for hunting mule deer, whitetail, pronghorn, elk, bighorn and turkey. It’s an ideal predator hunting camo, too. • Type: Photorealistic• Species: Pronghorn, Elk, Turkey
• Region: Prairie, Desert, Mountains
• Products With This Camo

Designed to offer maximum effectiveness in open terrain - without geographical limitations. The pattern incorporates cattails, millet, milo, corn stalks, dead sunflowers, oak and maple leaves, cedar and oak limbs, plus a variety of other plant life into the largest camouflage artwork on the market. • Type: Photorealistic• Species: Waterfowl
• Region: Wetlands, Grassland, Cornfields
• Products With This Camo

Built with waterfowlers in mind, new Realtree MAX-5 camouflage is filled with cattails, reeds, cane and grasses to blend into flooded marshes. Plus corn, wheat, oats and sunflowers to hide you in open fields. It has branches, twigs and leaves that work in flooded timber. And with open areas that mimic mud, water, bark and shadows, MAX-5 literally adds another layer of invisibility to camo – no matter where or how you use it. Of course, all MAX-5 camo pattern elements are strategically placed to create super-realistic tone, contrast and shadow. Viewed up close, MAX-5 offers incredible detail. At a distance, the pattern obliterates the human outline completely. The result? Maximum effectiveness for your waterfowl success. • Type: Photorealistic• Species: Waterfowl
• Region: Wetlands, Grassland, Cornfields
• Products With This Camo

Safety orange is a hue. Safety orange is used to set objects apart from their surroundings, particularly in complementary contrast to the azure color of the sky. The high-visibility color is commonly used for hunting during the rifle season, and is also used for upland-bird hunting • Type: Photorealistic/Abstract• Species: Deer
• Region: Multi-Regional
• Products With This Camo

Kings Camo Patterns

Kings Desert Shadow
The most realistic and effective camo for low to mid elevations. Its high-definition features and detailed depth using sagebrush to blend into the western high desert environments and Texas Open Mesquite terrain. • Type: Photorealistic• Species: Coyote, Deer, Dove
• Region: Desert
• Products With This Camo

Kings Mountain Shadow:
High contrast, open pattern developed for thick forests to transitional open terrain. • Type: Photorealistic• Species: Bighorn Sheep, Elk, Bear
• Region: Mountains
• Products With This Camo

Kings Snow Shadow
Kings Snow Shadow Camo is designed with subtle contrast from light to dark with beautiful realistic detail in color and shadows that provide ultimate depth and clarity to match winter conditions and snow terrain. The power of Snow Shadow is due to the softness of the pattern created by subtle breakup. Finally a snow camo pattern that draws in the white colors but also balances out the soft breakup made by the underlying vegetation. - Kings Camo • Type: Photorealistic• Species: Abominable Snowman, Coyote, Goose
• Region: Snow-Covered
• Products With This Camo
Other Camo Patterns

Black Ground Blind
Blend into the shadows of your ground blind. • Species: Waterfowl, Predator• Position: Blind
• Products With This Camo

Matthew’s Lost Camo
“Lost Camo® was developed by Mathews® founder, Matt McPherson and team. It has a distinctive, multi-directional look that is designed to get lost in the trees above… precisely where you will be with your new Mathews®. Lost Camo® is equally effective in all kinds of terrain, western draws, fence lines, rocky hillsides, or the Texas brush. The colors in Lost Camo® are found everywhere in the country, 12 months of the year. Designed by a bowhunter, for bowhunters, Lost Camo® is the perfect addition to any bowhunters gear bag.” -Lost Camo website • Type: Photorealistic• Species: Deer, Turkey
• Region: Wooded/Forest
• Products With This Camo
Mossy Oak and Realtree Camouflage
2-in-1 FRONT Leafy Face Mask and Camo Hat (Adj, OSFM)
2-in-1 FRONT Leafy Face Mask and Camo Hat (Adj, OSFM)

Mossy Oak Camo Patterns

Mossy Oak Obsession
The Official Camo of the National Wild Turkey Federation, Mossy Oak Obsession was developed to provide turkey hunters with both concealment for the hunt and support for the resource. After nearly 20 years, Obsession is still the most proven pattern to ever hit the spring woods. It features an enhanced background of mottled tree bark inspired by the original Mossy Oak Bottomland pattern, true-to-nature elements of limbs, pine and oak foliage, and lifelike color tones to match the turkey woods in spring and early fall. • Type: Photorealistic• Species: Turkey, Deer, Bigfoot
• Region: Wooded/Forest, Bush
• Products With This Camo

Mossy Oak Original Bottomland
With Bottomland's natural bark elements, this pattern is ideal for hunting ducks in flooded timber, turkey hunting in the hardwoods, or deer hunting from a treestand. Original Bottomland is the pattern that launched Mossy Oak more than 35 years ago. Driven by the desire to get closer to turkeys in his camocontent state of Mississippi, Toxey Haas turned a handful of bark, sticks and leaves into an extremely lifelike hunting pattern unlike anything the world had seen. Featuring a legendary outline-breaking ability that helps hunters blend into dark hardwoods, flooded timber and treestand environments, this classic pattern remains every bit as effective three decades later. • Type: Abstract Vintage• Species: Deer, Turkey, Waterfowl
• Region: Wooded/Forest, Wetlands
• Products With This Camo

Mossy Oak New Bottomland
The same field-proven components and colors, dirt and bark elements, ability to blend into dark environments and obscure a hunter's outline from every angle as the Original Bottomland, only enhanced with digital technology for more subtlety and realism to blend you into your surroundings. • Type: Digitally Enhanced Abstract• Species: Turkey, Waterfowl, Sasquatch
• Region: Wooded/Forest, Wetlands
• Products With This Camo

Mossy Oak Greenleaf
The same field-proven components and colors, dirt and bark elements as Original Bottomland but with additional green leaves for late Spring and early Fall hunting seasons. • Type: Abstract• Species: Turkey, Deer, Waterfowl
• Region: Wooded/Forest, Marsh
• Products With This Camo

Mossy Oak Shadow Grass Blades
Ducks Unlimited Official Waterfowl Camouflage Pattern - features a precise arrangement of individual blades of grass onto a background of thatch consisting of lesser or dead grass, to create the perfect pure grass pattern.With over 30 years in pattern development, we concluded that the most versatile and effective waterfowl pattern was one composed entirely of grass. After photographing a variety of grass blades along water edges and flooded fields, we saw that each BLADE was unique, and was most often accompanied by a thatch background of dead or pressed-down lesser grass.
Using these two elements, we set out to create the perfect pure grass pattern by arranging each blade of grass in natural positions with shadows falling across each other on a thatch background. The thatch background, with its small grass moving from light to dark spots, creates the perfect depth and distance from the larger blades to give Shadow Grass Blades a realistic 3D appearance and superior ability to break up a hunter’s outline. Each blade of grass was selected for its unique coloration and position to duplicate the grass edges found all over the country. • Type: Photorealistic
• Species: Waterfowl
• Region: Wetlands, Grassland, Cornfields
• Products With This Camo

Mossy Oak Duckblind
Duck Blind is designed for duck and goose hunters in all flyways from the west coast to the east coast. Duck Blind is designed to be effective in bottomland, marshes, potholes, riverbanks, reeds, tules, corn fields, wheat stubble, rice fields and just about anywhere a waterfowl hunter would want to be hidden from the birds' view.According to Mossy Oak, “Duck Blind features elements from every sector of the nation's main waterfowl highway. Whether you're hunting in standing reeds or on a bare, harvested hillside, Duck Blind is the most effective camouflage for waterfowlers in any region.” • Type: Photorealistic
• Species: Waterfowl
• Region: Wetlands, Grassland
• Products With This Camo

Mossy Oak Break-Up
The classic, original break-up pattern has leaves, limbs, and branches with a bark background, and deep ghost shadow for further 3D illusion, the natural contrast found in the woods comes to life in this #1 selling camo patterns of all time. • Type: Photorealistic• Species: Deer, Elk, Predator
• Region: Wooded/Forest
• Products With This Camo

Mossy Oak Break-Up Infinity
Similar to Mossy Oak Break-Up, it has leaves, limbs, and branches with a bark background, and deep ghost shadow for further 3D illusion, the natural contrast found in the woods comes to life in this extraordinary pattern. • Type: Photorealistic• Species: Deer, Elk, Predator
• Region: Wooded/Forest
• Products With This Camo

Mossy Oak Break-Up Country
Features a variety of elements found throughout North America. The elements provide the perfect amount of depth and shadowing. Using dramatically larger limbs, leaves, bark, branches and other digitally enhanced natural elements, Mossy Oak Break-Up Country annihilates your outline and fuses you with the terrain like no pattern that has come before it – at any distance, anywhere across the country. Break-Up Country is the OFFICIAL CAMO of the QDMA. • Type: Photorealistic• Species: Deer, Elk, Predator
• Region: Wooded/Forest
• Products With This Camo

Mossy Oak Mountain Country
Features 100% true-to-nature, three-dimensional elements of natural Rocky Mountain alpines, conifers, sagebrush and rock. Whether you’re hunting big game in the high-country timber or the open plains, Mountain Country is the best form of concealment to break up your outline and ensure you blend in with the terrain of the natural Western environment. Utilizing gray and green tones from alpine trees and conifer evergreens, it features 100% true-to-nature elements inspired solely by the mountains you hunt, and not the digital world you’re out there to escape. • Type: Photorealistic• Species: Deer, Elk, Predator
• Region: Mountainous, Alpine
• Products With This Camo

Mossy Oak Eclipse (Black)
Mossy Oak Eclipse is the first ever pattern design created specifically for hunting from inside a ground blind. Eclipse features a dark-as-possible black overlay version of our popular Break-Up Country pattern with cutout portions exposing the pattern, erasing the human outline inside a blind. Where lighter camo options stand out inside a ground blind, Eclipse disappears. • Type: Photorealistic• Species: Waterfowl, Predator
• Position: Blind
• Products With This Camo

Mossy Oak Treestand
“Designed specifically for the hardcore whitetail hunters who hunt from an elevated position, Treestand offers whitetail hunters the ideal camouflage solution for altering their silhouette among the bare limbs of a tree in late fall. Treestand is built to defeat the deer’s eye view of looking up through the limbs of bare trees. Mossy Oak's Treestand pattern is the ultimate camo for over 12 million hunters that hit the woods each year in pursuit of whitetails.” - Mack’s Prairie Wing Website • Type: Photorealistic• Species: Deer, Elk, Boar
• Region: Wooded/Forest
• Products With This Camo

REALTREE® Camo Patterns

THE FIRST CAMO THAT DISRUPTS THE HUMAN FORM AND NATURALLY CONCEALS. Hunting comes with a lot of challenges. Being confident you're concealed shouldn’t be one of them. Introducing new Realtree EDGE™, the first camo pattern that allows you to blend into your hunting environment at close range, with natural elements arranged in a way to disrupt the human form at a distance • Type: Photorealistic• Species: Turkey, Deer, Yeti
• Region: Wooded/Forest, Multi-Regional
• Products With This Camo

WORKS JUST ABOUT EVERYWHERE A HUNTER NEEDS TO HIDE. Realtree AP camo is neutral, open, contrasty, and realistic. Everything a hunting camo needs to be versatile and effective. • Type: Photorealistic• Species: Turkey, Deer, Predator
• Region: Multi-Regional
• Products With This Camo

The Xtra in Realtree Xtra stands for extra effectiveness in the field. This camo pattern blends perfectly year round in a variety of habitats. It blends best from the leaf change of fall through winter, then again in early spring before green-out. Using proprietary printing technology, we layer sharp foreground elements over a progressively ghosted midground and very soft background. The versatile new camo design includes tree trunks, large and small limbs, leaves of many types and colors, and large open areas. • Type: Photorealistic• Species: Turkey, Deer
• Region: Wooded/Forest, Bush
• Products With This Camo

Named for its extra effectiveness, Realtree Xtra Green camo is the best early-season pattern on the market. Use it from early fall bowhunting, muzzle loading and gun seasons until the leaves change, and then again from mid to late spring. It’s also perfect any time the season or situation calls for green camo. Proprietary printing technology creates 3 distinct layers of pattern. The pattern combines leaves, colors, open areas, and extreme contrast in a multidirectional design that blends with nearly any green habitat. Realtree Xtra Green camo provides ultimate versatility. • Type: Photorealistic• Species: Turkey, Deer, Bear
• Region: Wooded/Forest, Bush
• Products With This Camo

Realtree MAX-1® camo lets hunters in broad terrain melt into their surroundings. MAX-1 camo combines the perfect balance of neutral earth tones, prairie grasses, brush, rock, sage and open zones—with just a hint of shadow detail for added depth and realism. Use the versatile Realtree MAX-1 camo pattern as your go-to for hunting sage-covered hillsides, mesquite flats, croplands and wide-open prairies. Also choose it for deserts and rocky terrain. Realtree MAX-1 ® is the one to wear for hunting mule deer, whitetail, pronghorn, elk, bighorn and turkey. It’s an ideal predator hunting camo, too. • Type: Photorealistic• Species: Pronghorn, Elk, Turkey
• Region: Prairie, Desert, Mountains
• Products With This Camo

Designed to offer maximum effectiveness in open terrain - without geographical limitations. The pattern incorporates cattails, millet, milo, corn stalks, dead sunflowers, oak and maple leaves, cedar and oak limbs, plus a variety of other plant life into the largest camouflage artwork on the market. • Type: Photorealistic• Species: Waterfowl
• Region: Wetlands, Grassland, Cornfields
• Products With This Camo

Built with waterfowlers in mind, new Realtree MAX-5 camouflage is filled with cattails, reeds, cane and grasses to blend into flooded marshes. Plus corn, wheat, oats and sunflowers to hide you in open fields. It has branches, twigs and leaves that work in flooded timber. And with open areas that mimic mud, water, bark and shadows, MAX-5 literally adds another layer of invisibility to camo – no matter where or how you use it. Of course, all MAX-5 camo pattern elements are strategically placed to create super-realistic tone, contrast and shadow. Viewed up close, MAX-5 offers incredible detail. At a distance, the pattern obliterates the human outline completely. The result? Maximum effectiveness for your waterfowl success. • Type: Photorealistic• Species: Waterfowl
• Region: Wetlands, Grassland, Cornfields
• Products With This Camo

Safety orange is a hue. Safety orange is used to set objects apart from their surroundings, particularly in complementary contrast to the azure color of the sky. The high-visibility color is commonly used for hunting during the rifle season, and is also used for upland-bird hunting • Type: Photorealistic/Abstract• Species: Deer
• Region: Multi-Regional
• Products With This Camo

Kings Camo Patterns

Kings Desert Shadow
The most realistic and effective camo for low to mid elevations. Its high-definition features and detailed depth using sagebrush to blend into the western high desert environments and Texas Open Mesquite terrain. • Type: Photorealistic• Species: Coyote, Deer, Dove
• Region: Desert
• Products With This Camo

Kings Mountain Shadow:
High contrast, open pattern developed for thick forests to transitional open terrain. • Type: Photorealistic• Species: Bighorn Sheep, Elk, Bear
• Region: Mountains
• Products With This Camo

Kings Snow Shadow
Kings Snow Shadow Camo is designed with subtle contrast from light to dark with beautiful realistic detail in color and shadows that provide ultimate depth and clarity to match winter conditions and snow terrain. The power of Snow Shadow is due to the softness of the pattern created by subtle breakup. Finally a snow camo pattern that draws in the white colors but also balances out the soft breakup made by the underlying vegetation. - Kings Camo • Type: Photorealistic• Species: Abominable Snowman, Coyote, Goose
• Region: Snow-Covered
• Products With This Camo
Other Camo Patterns

Black Ground Blind
Blend into the shadows of your ground blind. • Species: Waterfowl, Predator• Position: Blind
• Products With This Camo

Matthew’s Lost Camo
“Lost Camo® was developed by Mathews® founder, Matt McPherson and team. It has a distinctive, multi-directional look that is designed to get lost in the trees above… precisely where you will be with your new Mathews®. Lost Camo® is equally effective in all kinds of terrain, western draws, fence lines, rocky hillsides, or the Texas brush. The colors in Lost Camo® are found everywhere in the country, 12 months of the year. Designed by a bowhunter, for bowhunters, Lost Camo® is the perfect addition to any bowhunters gear bag.” -Lost Camo website • Type: Photorealistic• Species: Deer, Turkey
• Region: Wooded/Forest
• Products With This Camo
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(Hat size 6 to 8, 54-63cm)
Adjustable Velcro Closure
Premium Camo Hats w/a Built-in Face Mask
- Easy to Wear with Glasses + Anti-Fog Mesh
- Quickly Drop Mask From Under Bill
- No Impaired Hearing
- Baseball Hat with Built-in Camo Face Mask
More Details
More Details
- The mask drops down from the Front of the Cap
Bill keeps the sun out of your eyes while you wear your mask
- Original B3D Leafy Camo™ special design creates realistic camouflage
- Officially licensed Mossy Oak and Realtree Camouflage
- Hide your shining face in seconds
- Break up your outline
- Eyewear compatible
- Anti-fog mesh in the mask
- One-hand Operation
- Mesh back panels keep you cool during warm weather hunts
- 3D leaves move naturally in a light breeze
- Quick drying / moisture wicking / breathable, high quality polyester fabrics
- Ideal for Spring and Fall Turkey Hunting Seasons
- Perfect for hunting waterfowl (goose, duck) big game (elk, whitetail deer) and predators (bears, coyotes and cougars)
- Also used for birdwatching and wildlife photography
Size Chart
Size Chart
Free Shipping and Returns
Free Shipping and Returns

"Turkey walked around me without notice. A squirrel landed on me thinking I was part of the tree. "
3D Leafy Front Hat
Lousiana, USA

"Camouflages my face and neck, eye-nose holes and looseness leaves plenty of air outlets to prevent my glasses from fogging up. Fits great!"
3D Leafy Front Hat
Ohio, USA

"This hat is amazing. The leafy accents break up my silhouette and the deer never know I am there. It's a must have for my hunting gear"
3D Leafy Front Hat
Missouri, USA

"Picked this up for Spring Turkey season. The hat is well made. A big plus was the compatibility with eyeglasses. Very pleased."
3D Leafy Front Hat
Alabama, USA

"Love this hat. Fits well, very comfortable, you almost don't feel like your wearing anything."
3D Leafy Front Hat
New York, USA

(see returns for conditions)

Why Choose QuikCamo?
We Create Innovative Gear Using Mossy Oak, Realtree & Kings Camo.
We were the 1st to market Mossy Oak Leafy Hats w/Built-in Face Masks
& to create Mossy Oak Leafy Gloves and Realtree Multifunctional Headwear.
We have improved the Leafy Suit to Provide Avid Outdoorsmen
and Women an Extra Edge to Blend-in to Nature!
Why Choose QuikCamo?
We Create Innovative Gear Using Mossy Oak, Realtree & Kings Camo. We were the 1st to market Mossy Oak Leafy Hats w/Built-in Face Masks & to create Mossy Oak Leafy Gloves and Realtree Multifunctional Headwear. We have improved the Leafy Suit to Provide Avid Outdoorsmen and Women an Extra Edge to Blend-in to Nature!

Freqently Asked Questions
Will this hat/mask fit me?
Yes! Well, there’s a 99% chance if you’re older than 12, male or female, that our adjustable hat/mask combo will fit. The Front hat will adjust from a head size of 6 to 8.
They all use a velcro closure with an elastic band for better comfort and customizable sizing,
Don’t know if your head size is in the 6-8 range (54-63cm)?
Scroll/Tap "Back to Top" and find the "Size Chart" Tab.
Remember, if anything doesn’t fit, we will cover the cost of a return that’s in new condition with tags w/in 30 days of delivery.
What camo pattern should I use?
Don’t overthink it, all our camo is premium. But first thing to do if you’re unsure is to ask fellow hunters in your area what they think or send us a message and we can help you figure out what would work best for when you’re hunting and in what environment.
We make our gear with the best camo patterns in the world so to be honest you’d have a hard time picking a bad camo.
Scroll/Tap "Back to Top" and find the "See Camo Pattern Descriptions" link Below the Camo Pattern Dropdown menu. To Check out details about each pattern to help you decide what the best camo is for you.
Can I wear the mask with glasses?
Absolutely! Our hat/mask is the BEST on the market for people who wear prescription or sunglasses. We added slits into the mask you can slide the arms of the glasses through, or you can pull the mask over your glasses and pull the glasses through the eyeholes. Check out our video HERE to see how it’s done!
Are there optical brighteners?
Nope! There are NO Optical UV Brighteners used in the fabric printing process. We know better, and so do Realtree and Mossy Oak, who make the fabrics we use.
Why do I need 3D leafy gear?
Because you will literally disappear. Don’t believe me? Just put on the gear and look in a mirror! BOOM. Gone. Okay, so maybe it’s not like that, but the leaves are specially cut with our proprietary and copyrighted design. They move naturally with the breeze and add depth to your profile, making you that more invisible. The leafy camo works beyond what flat camo patterns do, because it breaks up your human form. Leafy camo is next level concealment.
How do I clean my gear?
Rub mud on it after each hunt…jkjk lol. For best results hand wash and hang dry. Use a waterproofing spray and/or scent control as needed. Dryers will beat the sh!t outta the leaves, so avoid em at all costs.
What about Shipping? How long does it take, cost, and where is the gear coming from?
We ship faster than you can say camouflage! Why do you think we’re called QuikCamo? But really, we usually get the gear to the post office within 24 hours of your order, Monday-Saturday
Where from?
We ship straight outta hell, I mean Idaho, USA (best state ever, just sayin’).
Our FREE Shipping option for orders under 1 lb (anything other than a leafy suit) will ship with USPS First Class Mail (FCM) and you will get a tracking number emailed or texted to you.
Time till Arrival?
FCM It takes ~3-7 days, 5 days on average.
If you order a leafy suit or gear adding up to over 16 ounces you’ll be automatically upgraded to FREE USPS Priority Mail for ~2-4 days shipping (3 days on average.)
You can always pay to get your gear QUICKER.
What can I use this camo gear for?
For anything you need to do without being seen (that’s legal): duck hunting, turkey hunting, bowhunting, airsoft, paintball, wildlife photography, birdwatching, insert other activities here ;)
Fits well, comfortable, well made, well thought out.
Hi Matthew,
Thanks for the review, I'm glad to hear it's working out.
Good luck in your pursuits,
Great hats. Sorry. Be a few weeks before I use in turkey season here. One of the caps was for my best buddy and he loved it. Got them for he and my son a few years back. We also deer hunt with them. Thanks for a good quality product.
Hi Robin, thank you for your positive review! We're glad to hear that you and your hunting buddies love our Leafy Face Mask and Camo Hats. We hope it serves you well this coming turkey and deer hunting seasons. Good luck in your pursuits and add send pics whenn you harvest your turkey! -Kyle
I messed up my order and emailed Kyle and received a fast response. Great communication and customer service. Product was great, exactly as described and I will be shopping with them again.
Thank you so much for being a great company.
Hi Roy, thank you so much for taking the time to leave us such a kind review! We are thrilled to hear that you had a positive experience with our customer service and that you are satisfied with our product. We truly appreciate your support and look forward to serving you again in the future. Thank you for choosing QuikCamo! -Kyle and Doug