QuikCamo's Origin Story
How the QuikCamo Brand and Ultimate Face Concealment System was Created
Warren and Doug were destined to work together. The two had been great friends for many years. In early 2007 Nick was watching one of his favorite hunters, Will Primos, on an elk hunt. Will bugled, the bull bugled and closed the distance fast. Will had to put down his bow, take off his hat, struggle to find his mask and get it on all while the bull of a lifetime was rushing in. Will got busted by that bull and Nick thought there must be a better way.
Nick’s enthusiasm and Doug’s creativity worked well together as they collaborated on the mission of creating the ultimate face concealment system for the outdoorsman. The two tackled the issues of one handed operation, ease of use, eyewear compatible, hearing friendly, scent control, UV protection, and the elimination of camo face paint. As they worked to create this new product they quickly realized they had it right when they came up with the idea of building the mask right into the camo hat. That way, the outdoorsman would never have to search around for his mask in the heat of the moment. Will Primos would have been ready to take that monster bull had he been wearing this face mask.
It took Nick and Doug a year of field testing prototypes and getting feedback from hunters, guides and friends. They worked hard to source the right technical fabrics, scent control and breathability. The team did everything they could to get this product made in America but it just wasn’t meant to be. Doug mortgaged his home and with help from friends and family, Nick and Doug partnered with Conrad to get the product manufactured in a world class New Era factory overseas. Several retailers lined up to carry the product and in January of 2008,QuikCamo Quality Headwear launched at the 2008 Archery Trade Association (ATA) Show and was touted as one of the “Best New Products” of the show.
In 2009, Nick’s long time fears were confirmed when he was formally diagnosed with a rare progressive degenerative disease. Nick passed away in 2019. Doug and Kyle continue to run QuikCamo. With several patent pending products, QuikCamo continues to grow.
The last decade has seen everyday citizens like Kevin Harrington (Shark Tank), Johnny Unser (Racing), Bruce Willis, Steve Miller (Steve Miller Band) and Scotty Pippen use QuikCamo. In the hunting world, Jeff Foxworthy and the team at Foxworthy Outdoors, Scott and Tiffany Haugen, Bob Coker, Tink’s, Archie Nesbitt and Kevin Paulson all love their QuikCamo hats.
It is our hope that we can continue to innovate, create and market our products until every hunter needing the ultimate face concealment system is proud to own one of our QuikCamo concealment hats.
Mission: To design innovative and high quality camo gear that helps create lasting outdoor memories.
Vision: To enhance the outdoorsmen and women’s experience by helping them get up close and personal to wildlife undetected.
Values: Customer First. Quality Gear. No Exceptions.
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